Buying a Home, Step six

We are all told that home buying is out of reach for today’s renters, that there are no more affordable homes!

This is not true, for the informed and savvy renter, affordable homes are available for the connected person.

SaibhreHomes searches all the networks of family, friends, zillow, compass, redfin, and others to find you the best deals. Homes that meet your needs and are good deals.

We look for homes in up and coming markets, under appreciated home , that with a little home owner ‘Tinder Loving Care” can be made more valuable.

I am Dennis Hester, one of the founders of the and this is the home that was found for me. It met my requirements, at least 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, room for more than one car, a yard, near a park, in a cul-de-sac. I had limited income and savings for the down payment and the most loan that I could get approved for was $130,000.

Impossible request, you say? No, using tools available, an assortment of houses were found.

BridgeRealtors helped me find this house, and they can help you find your house.